Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Activity 7

Activity 7  1 & 2

'preconception' noun
Your preconceptions about something are beliefs formed about it- before
you have enough information or experience. 
assumption, predisposition, prejudice, bias, delusion, illusion, inclination,
notion, prejudgment, prepossession, presumption, presupposition.

‘assumption’ noun
A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
"they made certain assumptions about the market"supposition,
presupposition, presumption,

premise, belief, expectation, conjecture, speculation, surmise, guess,
theory, hypothesis, postulation, conclusion, deduction, inference, thought,
suspicion, notion and  impression, fancy;

book-Carole Gray and Julian Malins Visualizing Research- A Guide to the research
process in art and design- not much help!

Preconceptions of the research process-Really!  I thought it would be boring! But l am actually enjoying it!  I seem to drift for days and have to come back to-What was the Question?
Finding out about all the different research disciplines, the time and energy that goes into researching!  Assumption and Preconception are not as good as a Fact!
Research is so important in the arts for : re-sale values, copyright, restoration and the list goes on.
I do enjoy researching especially in the old arts and painters. I am quite interested in the restoration side and a lot of research needs to go into an artwork before you can start restoring it. You need to know an era in which it was painted and especially what it was painted with to be able to start restoration. I think l would be good at the restoration side as l find it relaxing, interesting and l have patience and good colour matching skills.

I thought this chart was interesting with lots of new words and sites.


  1. Thanks Tamyln I love the image you put up. Its very interesting learning about these two topics, I learnt a bt from the meaning.

  2. I strongly agree with your preconceptions of research. I too find it at times boring and the sizeable questions also left me pondering. Breaks were indeed required sometimes days haha.

  3. Hi Tamlyn I have found you YAY! I am here with you and I believe that your view is very interesting.
